solution business,internet, tutorial, concept and method, tips and tricks

Step 4 : Pre-qualification of your visitors and set up your site only for the keyword phrase

Pre-qualification of your visitors is one of the biggest problems many companies make when developing a Web site. Say your Web site is about “cell phones” and you’ve set up your site only for the keyword phrase “cell phones.” Do you know how many competing pages are for the terms “cell phones” it is over 246 million?
Even as a Professional SEO I know it’s going to be pretty hard to compete with those kinds of numbers. Let’s say we break the keyword phrase “cell phones” down to the lowest and most detailed search giving your visitors exactly what they are looking for.


Step 3 : Make a Concept For Your Visitor & Search Engines

You only have 3 seconds to capture someone’s attention so start your business optimization solutions right at your title tag. Go to your home page and make a mental note of your title tag (look in the upper left hand corner of your browser the words listed there are what it says in your title tag.) Now go do a search using your most relevant keyword phrase (what you want your visitors to find you on when doing a search) and look at the results that come up.

Look at the title of each result on the first couple pages. How compelling are they? Do they intrigue you to click on them by reading what is listed there? People are looking for instant gratification and they will read the results and normally will click on those that compel them to do so. For example let’s take a look at these results for coffeehouse:

Out of the following results which would you be more inclined to click on?

• Depot Coffee House
• Discover a Cup of Europe at Eurotazza® Coffeehouse
• DJ’s Coffeehouse
• Coffeehouse – Savor the Flavor of Brazilian Coffee

By addressing the instant reaction of your potential visitor you are compelling them to click on your ad by writing a good title but you are also creating a keyword rich
title tag that the search engines will favor.

The first impression most Internet users get of your company is the way you describe your site so use your title tag as the most important part of your Web site


Step Two : Make a easy access For Your Visitor

While you are taking a look at your Web site have you given your customers easy access to your contact information on each and every page? Many Web site owners overlook this important aspect. You need to make it easy for potential customers to contact you. You want them to be able to find a way to contact you on each and every page and not just on a contact page. You are working with split seconds every time someone lands on your page. Make it easy for them and tell them exactly what you want them to do. Rather then just saying Call Now! Give them specific instructions.
For Example:

Go pick up your phone and call us now to hear more about this special rate. Time is limited so call now at 800-555-1234

Buy today to take advantage of free shipping ... delivered right to your front door in 48 hours!

Little things that you may not think are important usually are the things that result in making a sale or not. One important factor in advertising is trying to find ways to make what you say different then everyone else. Those that stand out in a crowd are usually the ones that are making the sale.

What can you do to make your information different? Think of your competitors and what they are doing then you do the complete opposite.

These are just a couple of Web design and layout tips to help with your business optimization solutions that will mostly benefit your visitor. Now let’s concentrate on a few that the search engines will favor.


Step One Make For Your Visitor

Let’s start by taking a good look at your Web site. We all look at our site so many times; often we overlook the obvious. Pick up the phone or drop an email to some of your most loyal customers and ask them what they would want to see on your site to help them be better informed about your product or services. Ask them their thoughts and comments on your site. Ask them to give you their honest opinion. Do they see anything that they could suggest to make it better for potential customers? Is there any specific information they feel would benefit a new visitor? It is amazing how getting the prospective of your customer will often open some windows you may have never thought of before and the greatest thing it does not cost a dime.
nother great way to see how your visitors are using your site is to apply some click tracking software to your Web site so you can see how people are navigating through your site. It may be a real eye opener to how you have your pages set up. It will tell you just where and what your visitors are clicking on. Visit and apply a small piece of code to your Web site and start tracking your visitor’s clicks you’ll be surprised at what you discover.

Basis for Accounting

There is how many elementary concept in accountancy you which must comprehend, because will very assistive you in course of accounting system later. Among other things as follows.

1. Cash Basis Accounting: All incomes are considered earned and all expenses considered expended only when they are actually received or incurred. The difference between total income and expenses represent profit. No adjustments are needed for outstanding and prepaid expenses. Similarly, accrued incomes and incomes received in advance are also not adjusted. Thus, income is recognized only when cash is received. Expense is recognized only when cash is paid. Government system of accounting is mostly on cash basis. Professionals like doctors, lawyers, brokers also prefer cash basis accounting.
2. Accrual Basis Accounting: This is also known as ‘Mercantile Basis Accounting’. In this system, accounting entries are made on the basis of amounts having become due for payment or receipt. Incomes are credited to the period in which they are earned, whether cash is received or not. Similarly, expenses and losses are debited to the period in which they are incurred, whether cash is paid or notThe profit or loss for any accounting period is the difference between the aggregates of incomes earned and expenses incurred, for that period, irrespective of cash payments or receipts. All outstanding expenses and prepaid expenses, accrued incomes and incomes received in advance are adjusted while finalizing the accounts for a relevant period. This method was initially followed by merchants, trade and industry and was therefore known as the ‘Mercantile System’.

3. Mixed or Hybrid Basis: As the name suggests, certain items are recorded on a Cash basis and others on accrual basis. For example, a trader may choose to record certain categories of sales on a Cash basis while following the Accrual system for everything else. However, the treatment of the items on Cash basis and Accrual basis must be decided upfront and followed on a strict basis.

Introduction Basic of Accounting

"Modern Accounting is the language of business.”

A businessman invests capital in a business with the objective of making profits and increasing his resources. He incurs various expenses like salaries, rent, power and stationery to operate his business. He receives income from different sources like commission, interest and discount in the course of his business operations. He buys and sells goods or services on cash or credit basis. He acquires and disposes of properties and assets such as land and building, plant and machinery and furniture and fixtures for producing and selling goods and services to generate revenue. He borrows money from various sources like banks, financial institutions and private money-lenders for financing the business.

In effect, a business:

* Owns Assets such as land & building, plant & machinery and furniture & fixtures
* Owes Liabilities such as Capital (lent by business promoters), Loans & Borrowings raised from banks, financial institutions and the market

* Receives income from different sources sales (of goods), commission, interest and discount
* Incurs expenses towards purchase (of goods), salaries, rent, power and stationery

Effective management of business requires control over expenses to reduce the cost of operation and optimize the profitability of business. Assets must be properly maintained to increase their productivity. Liabilities have to be repaid in due time. Dealings with customers and suppliers have to be managed properly to keep them satisfied. In order to maintain assets in good condition, to repay debts and other liabilities in time, to reduce the expenses and to increase income from sales and other sources, the businessman requires complete information about his business transactions at any point in time especially on:

* What it (his business) owns?
* What it owes?
* How much income it has earned?
* How much expenses it has incurred?
* What is the profit made?
* What his financial position is?

To help businessmen in finding the required information on the status of his business at any point in time, Accounting was developed. Financial Transactions relating to business are recorded in the form of accounting entries through generally accepted principles of accounting so that income and financial position may be stated fairly. Accounting is thus a device for recording, classifying and summarizing financial transactions and interpreting its results for evaluating financial performance of business by stake-holders-proprietors, managers, creditors and investors.

Objectives, Advantages and Limitations of Accounting

There is a few about objectives, advantages and limitations of accounting to do, in the following is the several things which often people use.
Why do we need Accounting?

* Maintenance of financial records - the basis of accounting function
* Ascertainment of Profit and Loss - net results of operations
* Depiction of financial position - a true and fair view
* Providing information - on resources utilization for decision

What are the advantages of maintaining accounts?

* Systematic record keeping
* Assessment of progress
* Tool for SWOT analysis (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats)
* Aid in decision making
* Statutory compliances
* Information to interested groups
* Legal evidence
* Taxation compliance
* Acquisitions and Mergers (of enterprises)

What are the limitations of accounting?

* Ignores transactions which cannot be expressed in terms of money
* Cannot measure qualitative aspects of products, policies, management and workers
* Cannot quantify morale and motivation of human resources
* Relies on estimates and forecasts in valuations of investments, inventory and useful life of assets employed
* Relies on historical data on valuation of assets ignoring price level changes and inflation

Methods of Accounting

The methods of accounting there’s a few concept about it and especially in method which often used.
one of them is accounting methods can be classified into:
1. Single Entry System:
An accounting method in which transactions are recorded as a single entry, rather than as both a debit and a credit as in double-entry bookkeeping. Personal accounts are maintained i.e. Cash books, Books for Debtors and Creditors. When using single entry bookkeeping, income is just the difference between cash expenses and cash receipts over the relevant time period. Single entry accounting tends to be suitable only for small companies with simple financial statements

2. Double Entry System:
Double-entry accounting system is the standard practice for recording financial transactions. This provides the underlying foundation for a system of accounting, which accumulates and organizes the raw data into useful information. The system is based on the concept that a business can be described by a number of different variables or accounts, each describing an aspect of the business in monetary terms. Every transaction has a 'dual effect'.

This method of accounting records two aspects of each financial transaction - the Debit and the Credit (or the plus and the minus.)
Benefit receiving aspect or income aspect – known as ‘Debit’ - Due for that - ‘Dr.’
Another, benefit giving aspect or outgoing aspect - known as ‘Credit’ - Due to that - ‘Cr.’

Double entry provides checks and balances to ensure that your books are always in balance. Debits must always equal credits. Because debits equal credits,double-entry accounting prevents some common bookkeeping errors. Errors that aren't prevented are easier to find. Double-entry accounting is the basis of a true accounting system.
Advantages of Double Entry System:

1. Complete, systematic and accurate record keeping of financial transactions
2. Ascertainment of Profit or Loss of a business operations for a given period
3. Knowledge of financial position
4. Check on the accuracy of the accounts-Every debit has a corresponding credit
5. Limitations on scope for frauds and misappropriations
6. Better statutory, regulatory and tax compliances
7. Receivables (on credit sales) and Payable (on Credit purchases) management
8. Inter-firm, intra-firm comparative studies on annual results

Personal accounts are those that are related to any person or firm. For example, accounts for Customers, Suppliers, Owners, Lenders etc. A personal account would be used when anything is given or received from or to a person by way of a loan or a credit.
Accounting Rule:

* Debit the receiver
* Credit the giver

Real accounts refer to fixed and current assets such as Cash, Building, Plant & Machinery, Vehicles, Stock of Goods etc. An asset has been described as anything that is used to further the course of business. Assets have been classified into fixed and current. Although termed as ‘fixed’, this category of assets refers to long term assets (assets of which the value is derived from for more than a year.) Similarly current assets are short terms assets what are usually used within a year. For example, for a confectionary shop, the shop building owned by the business is a fixed asset whereas the stock of chocolates is an example current asset.
Accounting Rule:

* Debit what comes in
* Credit what goes out

Nominal accounts relate to Expenses and Incomes such as Rent, Electricity, Interest Received, Depreciation etc.
Accounting Rule:
Debit all expenses and losses
Credit all incomes and gains

Marketing Strategy in Internet.

This time we live and work in a world of full of information. Role of Consumer and business owner very challenging to stand at bay in business.
In consequence how to be standing at bay in business and so that we stand at bay in very competing market situation especially in internet?

still to the number of business using traditional marketing method, there is also company owning crowded website in visiting or there is also which is a few of in visiting and the two get the result which is a few of online or offline, the key it is not to advertise the business which’s trend but ought to advertise the business as according to requirement.

Better from at enquiring: Why I have to buy the product or service? Have to be changed to become why I have to buy the product or service from company? Because now consumer tend to chosen the company owning added value.

The things of that way in internet. Webs own a lot of raw information where people of not many again own the time to chosen it. Their way take the decision from the information pursuant to direct information type or at moment's notice communicate the special benefit. Which is true they require it?

Marketing become tip of lance having important role for a commercial good company or organization and also non profit. Marketing have in conducting by all big good company and also minimize. Progressively expand the information technology, hence marketing strategy even also experience of the change which high enough. Televisions have brought the big change in the effort advertising a product.
Nowadays information technology which is in allying technologically is computer have partaken to alter the map of marketing strategy which is specifying by company. Information technology Solidarity, technological of communications and computer technology have borne the technology internet. Technological of this internet have awaked the many people of about existence of new medium or media to design marketing.

Why do not? Conceiving that internet have been able to give the people possibility to promote and conduct the direct transaction (online transaction)
Even earn in making distribution transaction. Promotion earn in doing through internet for example with the characterization of sites web or home page where about company can submit the information [of] about product until service which in giving later then company also habit install the advertisement of at sites which is a lot of in visiting.
Web represents the promotion medium in world of cyberspace or internet. Growth Internet these days fast so in this time use internet almost 1 million.
The amount of old most progressively increase progressively understand it people with the benefit from internet. Will in using in face of economic emulation in free market. The condition represent the new segmentation is which its potency will very be of benefit to company to extend its product marketing is successfulness a web depended from various factor that is:
• Design the web
A web has to look to be draw. Others have to in line with that web is develop builder. Existing items in web shall not bewilder the, clear navigation and producer do not circumvent. Despitefully factor loading also have to in paying attention to because this matter is very having an effect on if a web have the time loading old ones, hence non impossible of consumer or visitor internet will leave our web is clear of condition, of a kind of this will make the loss which website accessed. But better, if process loading quickly, hence visitor will feel forbear staying is what else supported with the interesting appearance web and do not drag on.
• Fill the
Content a web also have to deflect to bring the visitor deflect to enjoy it. Give the things making visitor of a little proactive for example giving facility of for u surfeit or miscellaneous which in character draw the visitor. Give a few attentions with an utterance or mailing list

• Promotion Online
Promotion Online represent the key a web to a lot of recognized and visited by consumer internet

Program the marketing really becoming very economic by using internet, but can is also happened on the contrary that is generate the very high expense if do not correctly and clear aimlessly in the facility use but ability and benefit internet to support the marketing program shall no longer be hesitated

Start to Business Online

Every one need to get earns money with all trick of business online, but every one doesn’t have knowledge about business before. Maybe this article will help you for make a start of business. Before you start your business, you must have a plan of your business concept and that one knowleadge of internet.

Basic Concept of Business Online

here are lots of sites out there that claim that they can teach you about e-business. The problem is that they can't prove that what they teach will help you build a successful e-business.

The reality is that like most off-line businesses, most e-businesses fail. Why? The main reason is lack of targeted traffic to their website. Here is how to overcome that obstacle and build a successful e-business.

1. Choose a niche you are passionate about (and knowledgeable)
2. Build a content rich site that over-delivers valuable, sought-after information (See a real life e-business success story based on this concept by following the link in the margin)
3. The content will generate targeted, free traffic from the search engines with no tricks or manipulation required. Remember, always keep it real.
4. Once you have a steady stream of targeted traffic, then, and only then, do you start to "monetize" your business.

Most people do this all backwards, and in the end fail. Stick to the above formula (in order!) and you can't go wrong.
Is it easy? No. Does it take work and dedication? Yes.
Here are some other books that may be of some help:

Here is a book that received some excellent reviews on "Multiple Streams of Internet Income" by Robert G. Allen.
The 'for Dummies' series of books might also be helpful, "Starting an Online Business for Dummies, Third Edition" by Greg Holden.

Step 1. The Idea Concept your plans

Many people have a few of concept to build idea business that one is begin small business concept or height business concept. There’s many people have to begin steps to business but a many found troubles. Because no have concept to begin it. That one of business concept in internet (business online). What is happen? When you begin with a concept business online maybe, you will be a success man.
You must have plans to build a business of internet, which is another one is you must have a “blogger or website” and follow steps by steps to make a web blogger., looking for tutorial, article and more information about it. Make a link page in your website with advertise program.
This is the most important step of all! Without a good concept, a good product, good services, or good content, anything else you do is a waste of time. So what should you look for here?
If you already have a business off the Internet (in the "real world"), this is the logical place to start. However, we do not recommend that you stop there. So many businesses launching websites view the Internet as just another place they need to advertise.
The Internet is fast becoming the busiest business district the world has ever known. However, having a web site should be more than reproducing existing advertising. It should mean taking full advantage of the Internet's capability of interactive shopping and globally convenient access. Your web site can be the perfect showcase for people to obtain information about your company and products, an efficient way of communicating with your present clients, potential customers and an international marketplace to sell your products and services.
If you do not have an existing business, you should still look for ideas first in areas where you already have some expertise. If your current expertise does not seem to lend itself to an online business opportunity, your next plan should be to spend some significant time learning about the businesses already operating online. Once you have an understanding of what is available, look for ways to do the same things in a better way or look for a market niche that has not been serviced well. Keep in mind that there are usually ways to improve upon existing services and products.